Sea Cages

Sea cage aquaculture is farming fish by enclosing them in cages or pens anchored in natural waterways: 

Estuaries, bays, or other coastal marine environments. Juveniles are sourced from hatcheries or wild populations, protected from predators,and fed regularly. Fish are kept in the sea cages until they reach marketable size.


Three reasons for monitoring water quality in sea cages:


To warn of adverse conditions that can affect the health of the fish.


To ensure that the fish are fed correctly.


To control oxygenation.


Modern sea cage farming practice with increasing stock density and the necessity to optimize the use of resources requires a functional and reliable monitoring & control system.

Another advantage of the monitoring and control system is maintaining a complete record of the conditions the fish are subjected to from egg to table, thus keeping  thorough records for proper traceability and statistical analysis.


OxyGuard has supplied systems for sea cages for more than 20 years.


We can offer you sensors, accessories, and complete systems to keep your sea cage farm running problem free.

We design each system according to the specifics of the facility and customer needs. For example, you can choose to view and store the data on the cage or send it to land to synchronize with your land based system and select if the probes should be wired or wireless on the cages.

Check out our products for a complete view of our offerings!

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